Sultan'ın adada bulunan ABD elçisinin yardımıyla son dakikadaki barış isteme çabalarına rağmen, Kraliyet Donanması verilen ultimatomun ardından saraya 27 Ağustos 1896'da sabah 9'da ateş açmıştır. Glasgow kısa sürede batırılmıştır ve düşmekte olan saray ve artan ölü sayısı nedeniye Bargash hızlı bir şekilde Alman İmparatorluğu konsolosluğuna sığınak olması niyetiyle sığınmış ve geri çekilmiştir. Açılan ateş 45 dakika sonra sona ermiştir.
İngilizler Almanların eski sultanı ellerine vermelerini talep etmiştir, fakat sultan 2 Ekim 1896'da deniz yoluyla kaçmıştır. 1916 yılında İngilizler tarafından yakalanana kadar Dar es Salaam'da sürgün hayatı yaşamıştır. Daha sonra sultanın Mombasa'da yaşamasına izin verilmiştir ve 1925 tarihinde burada ölmüştür.
For English:
The Anglo-Zanzibar War was fought between
the United Kingdom and Zanzibar on 27 August
1896. With a duration of only 45 minutes, it holds the record of being the
shortest war in recorded history.
The war broke out after Sultan Hamad bin
Thuwaini, who had willingly co-operated with the British colonial
administration, died on 25 August, and his nephew, Khalid bin Bargash, seized
power in what amounted to a coup d'état. The British favoured another
candidate,Hamud bin Muhammed, whom they believed it would be easier to work
with, and delivered an ultimatum ordering Bargash to abdicate. Bargash refused,
and instead assembled an army that consisted of about 2,800 men and the
Sultan's former armed yacht H.H.S. Glasgowanchored in the harbour. While
Bargash's troops set to fortifying the palace, the Royal Navy assembled five
warships in the harbour in front of the palace The British also landed parties
of Royal Marines to support the "loyalist" regular army of Zanzibar , numbering 900
men in two battalions led by General Lloyd Mathews, formerly a Royal
Despite the Sultan's last-minute efforts to
negotiate for peace via the U.S.
representative on the island, the Royal Navy ships opened fire on the palace at
9am on 27 August as soon as the ultimatum ran out. The Glasgow was soon sunk, and, with the palace
falling down around him and escalating casualties, Bargash beat a hasty retreat
to the German consulate where he was granted asylum. The shelling stopped after
45 minutes.
The British demanded that the Germans
surrender the erstwhile Sultan to them, but he escaped to sea on 2 October. He
lived in exile inDar es Salaam until captured by the British in 1916. He was
later allowed to live in Mombasa
where he died in 1925.
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