Güney Afrika hisselerinden Transvaal Consolidated Land and
Exploration şirketinin hisse senedi (SALT Araştırma, Osmanlı Bankası Arşivi)
For English:
1895 Stock Exchange Crash
In order to profit from the 1890s speculative wave among the
public, the Ottoman Bank offered all sorts of related services such as the
selling, buying and custody of stocks and bonds, and the collection of dividends.
Most importantly, it developed a system of advances backed by stocks and bonds
that attracted some cautious warnings from the bank's committees in London and
Paris. Sir Edgar Vincent, far from heeding this advice, triggered even more
speculation by promoting South African gold mine stocks. However, following a
drop in the London market, the Galata stock exchange suddenly crashed and by
the end of October 1895, the Ottoman Bank was overwhelmed by massive withdrawal
of savings and redemption of banknotes. A number of local speculators were
completely ruined by the crash, while the bank barely survived through the
government's support and the shipping of over 1,000,000 liras in gold from
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